Colleen Hulett, B.A. GEOGRAPHY
I have been studying and foraging herbs since 1988. After graduating from from Carleton University, I worked as a cartographer for Energy, Mines and Resources. When I left the government to raise three sons, I began working weekends in the bulk medicinal herb section at a local health food store. Fascinated by the innumerable health benefits of herbs and fungi, I began studying them intensly. I write this blog because I have fallen in love with Calabogie and Gatineau Park's highlands and virgin forests. I wish to share my knowledge and photo experiences with you. My hope is that you will fall in love with Nature, respect it, preserve it and share it with your children so they in turn can have a part in saving our wonderful and wild spaces on Earth, especially here in the ecologically significant highlands surrounding the Ottawa River valley. An area which includes the infamous landscape paintings of Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven !