Waiver Form/ Release of Liability/ Hikers Assumption of Risk Form
In the Matawaska Highlands, ON or Gatineau Highlands, QC.
HIKE LOCATION & DATE_________________________________________________________________
I acknowledge with my signature below that this hiking activity on this trail in which I am participating involves risks. With this acknowledgement of these risks I would like to participate in this activity. I release the ____________________trail providers in_______________it's contractors volunteers assignees and executors from all cost and claims for damage or injury however so arising as a result of my participation or emergency evacuation of my person in this or any other activity organized by the club. I affirm I am aware of the nature of the activity it's length, duration and degree of difficulty and that I am properly equipped and physically able to participate as a walker. I acknowledge I am able to walk on my own and through the varying challenges that Highlands paths present along the way. I have no medical or other condition that might preclude to my participation as an adult. I accept responsibility for any person under 18 years of age in my care. I agreed to follow the directions of the Leader and Sweep which have the authority to turn hikers away from the hike.
SIGNATURE AND PHONE_____________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT & PHONE_____________________________________