CALABOGIE HIKER: Trillium spp., Medicinal, Edible (Spring Walk Series)
BLOG 7: Trilliums (Trillium spp.) are a beloved flower in Ontario. In fact, this flower is the official provincial flower and status...

CALABOGIE HIKER: Large Bellwort, Edible, Medicinal (Spring Walk Series)
BLOG 5: This Large Bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora) medicinal herb was found in very rich soil in a Maple/Beech forested area of the...

CALABOGIE HIKER: Bloodroot, Poison (Spring Walk Series)
BLOG 4: Bloodroot, by far, is one of my favourite herbs to find on a Spring herbal walk. Its single ornamental leaf has an uncanny...

CALABOGIE HIKER: Yummy wild Chicken Of The Woods mushroom!
BLOG 2: This beautiful mushroom stopped me dead in my tracks. It was larger than my head and was a vivid orange colour with yellow trim....

CALABOGIE HIKER: Calabogie Highlands, Ontario, Canada.
BLOG 1: This is my first blog. I'd like to take you on a journey through the highlands that are located in Ontario, Canada. The Ontario...